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Introducing our Mango Passion MFP Triple Action Formula – the perfect protein powder to fuel your growth! Packed with premium whey protein and a deliciously fruity flavour, it’s the ideal fuel to supercharge your performance.

MFP Triple Action: the trifecta of whey protein, low carb and low fat for ultimate performance.

Nutritional Information Per Serving (25g) Nutritional Information Per 100g
437 kJ/103 kcal
1716 kJ/406 kcal
20 g
78 g
2.2 g
8.8 g
of which sugars
5.4 g
1.6 g
6.5 g
of which saturated
0.9 g
3.6 g
0.13 g
0.53 g
0 g
0 g

Ingredients: 94.6% Whey protein concentrate (from milk), flavourings (mango, white chocolate), 1% white chocolate powder [sucrose, 33% cocoa powder (theobroma cacao L.), whole milk powder], 1% hydrolysed whey protein isolate (from milk, emulsifier: non-allergen sunflower lecithin), 1% whey protein isolate (from milk), thickener (xanthan gum), sweeteners (sucralose, acesulfame K), acidity regulator (citric acid anhydrous), colour (tartrazine).

A dose of Hype energy drink which has been splashed.
Hype’s protein powder Pro mango passion flavoured, in a bag.
Icon of Icon of 100% whey.
Icon of protein.
Icon of no sugar.
Hype’s protein powder Pro mango passion flavoured, in a bag.
Icon of easy to mix.
Icon of low carb.
Icon of low fat.
Icon of Icon of 100% whey.
Icon of protein.
Icon of no sugar.
Hype’s protein powder Pro mango passion flavoured, in a bag.
Icon of easy to mix.
Icon of low carb.
Icon of low fat.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse scelerisque neque a orci tempor, vitae pharetra dolor sollicitudin. Pellentesque eu enim ac erat varius consequat. Proin eu ullamcorper nisl, in dictum elit. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Mauris vitae nisl in ante commodo pretium. Aenean pharetra ac lectus vitae interdum. Vivamus vitae posuere ipsum. Aliquam porta tincidunt maximus.

Donec euismod varius nisi nec faucibus. Nam imperdiet diam urna, non eleifend urna faucibus vitae. Nunc a congue ipsum, sit amet accumsan purus. Sed porta varius eleifend. Donec rutrum, metus sit amet consectetur convallis, sem tortor pharetra eros, id hendrerit massa nibh eget neque. In dignissim neque sem, auctor tincidunt dui sagittis aliquam. Fusce sit amet euismod eros. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis dapibus sem nec ante mollis sagittis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Nunc quam ex, porta id risus vel, fermentum luctus libero.

Proin vitae gravida est. Sed dui velit, tincidunt quis neque quis, laoreet pellentesque justo. Nam sagittis tortor a justo rutrum vulputate eget nec quam. Fusce justo nisl, laoreet a interdum quis, blandit vel leo. Pellentesque auctor tortor felis, sit amet rhoncus felis ullamcorper tristique. Sed nec lorem scelerisque dui sollicitudin varius vel et odio. Maecenas egestas quam a eleifend commodo. Ut euismod elementum massa, at suscipit purus pellentesque eget. Ut ac nulla ac nulla lacinia suscipit. Fusce malesuada gravida turpis, in lacinia dolor dignissim ac. In efficitur ligula nec libero convallis consectetur.